Router Control
Scheduler now with integrated video router control from Rascular. Control your inputs and be ready for anything
Users of Scheduler can now enjoy the freedom of integrated router control as part of their solution.
Via a partnership with Rascular technology Glookast can now directly offer an integrated system to both new and existing Scheduler customers.
Control one or more routers - simply set the input for your recording when planning your recording in Scheduler and the rest is automatic. Stacked configurations or tie-lines are no problem. Use SDI, NewTek NDI™, IP, or any combination.
Scheduler now supports routing using any of the below protocols!
Blackmagic Videohub
Evertz/Quartz Type 1
GVG Native
Harris LRC
Harris/Leitch Passthru
Kramer 2000 and 3000
NewTek NDI™
NVision NV9000
NVision Compact Router
Nevion Sublime MRP
Nevion Compact NCB
Pro-Bel SW-P-02 General Switcher
Pro-Bel SW-P-08 General Remote
Sierra Aspen
Utah Scientific RCP3
Select any input on your router from within Scheduler
Scheduler can now access inputs from multiple different routers transparently
Very easy to use
Glookast supported
Grow with your requirements
Operate from the same familiar Scheduler interface