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Spectra BlackPearl integration

Make wireless multi-resolution file-based workflows simple and be on-air faster for less.

Spectralogic’s Black Pearl storage platform and Glookast’s Media Producer have been connected to create a system that combines Spectra’s resilient data storage and retrieval with Glookast’s media workflow integration and orchestration tools.


Spectra and Glookast have put their tools together to build a solution that allows people using Avid editing tools to achieve many of the benefits they would get from a much larger system at a significantly lower price point:

Real, integrated archive and multi-resolution workflows for Media Composer users at a low price.

· Archive at the same time as ingesting at the same time as generating an edit proxy

· Store  and easily access media for the medium or long-term

· Automate tasks like ingest, logging, metadata entry, conforming and more without Avid Media Central

· Advanced workflow functionalities like partial restore, handles & AAF relinking

· Dynamic relink

All with Spectralogic’s world-class data storage at its heart.


How it works

Ingest to Production storage (Avid NEXIS) and Spectra BlackPearl archive in multiple resolutions in one step via Glookast Media Producer.

Edit in whatever codec you prefer

Automatically move things to and from Archive with Glookast's Media Retriever 


Advanced workflow functionality

  • Achieve integrated archive functionality in your workflow without the need for an expensive PAM or MAM

  • Secure your footage in archive from the very beginning of the workflow

  • Let Glookast & Spectra manage the automatic retrieval of high-bitrate assets and work in whatever resolution you choose

  • Ideal for production houses where multi-user, multi-resolution workflows are desirable but scale prevents the adoption of a Media Central environment

  • Works with or without Avid Media Central

  • Full support for partial-file recovery from archive

  • Single step ingest to production and archive



Spectra and Glookast Solution guide PDF

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